Imagine you’re planning a dream vacation, and you’ve found a beautiful hotel online. Everything seems perfect, but you can’t help but wonder what other people’s experiences have been. That’s where Good Reputation comes in – we’re like the fairy godmother for hotels!

Hotels have their own stories to tell, and we help them tell those stories in the best possible way. We’re like the guardians of their online reputation, making sure that when someone looks up a hotel, they see the wonderful tales from happy guests.

How we work our magic?


Magic Tools

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Every hotel is unique, and our online reputation management strategies are tailored to amplify your hotel’s strengths and address specific challenges.


Analysis Review

Sometimes, a negative review may appear. So we swoop in with our magical toos and tackle those challenges. We address concerns, find solutions, and turn a potential problem into an opportunity.


Reputation Building

Just like a wise guide on an epic quest, we help hotels navigate the digital realm; share insights, help them make wise decisions, and ensure they’re always on the path to success.

Our Services

Tailored Strategies

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Every hotel is unique, and our online reputation management strategies are tailored to amplify your hotel’s strengths and address specific challenges.

Comprehensive Online Reputation Audits

Our team conducts in-depth assessments of your current digital footprint, identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.

Proactive Reputation Building

We craft tailored strategies to enhance your brand’s digital presence, ensuring that your audience perceives you in the best possible light.

Review and Feedback Management

We help you harness the power of positive customer feedback while addressing any negative sentiments, ensuring a balanced and authentic online presence.

Invest in your digital reputation!

Ready to revolutionise your digital presence? Contact us today for a free consultation. Let us be the architects of your success, crafting a digital narrative that captivates and converts.

Let us assist you on your enchanting journey. Your success story begins here!

ORMOnline Reputation Management refers to the practice of monitoring, influencing, and controlling an organization’s reputation on the internet. ORM is important because an organization’s online reputation can have a significant impact on its success or failure. A negative reputation online can lead to lost business or opportunities, while a positive reputation can help to attract new customers and opportunities. ORM is a complex process that involves a range of tactics and strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media management, and public relations.

Importance of customer reviews and feedback : they can influence the decisions of potential customers and impact a hotel’s reputation.

Impact of social media and search engines on ORM : social media platforms and search engines can have a significant impact on a hotel’s online reputation and visibility, and it’s important for hotels to manage and optimize their presence on these platforms.

Importance of a strong online reputation for attracting more bookings : a strong online reputation can help hotels stand out from competitors and attract more bookings.

Review Sites: A study by BrightLocal found that 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Positive reviews on review sites like TripAdvisor and Google can drive bookings and revenue for hotels.

Search Engine Results: A study by Harvard Business Review found that a one-star increase in a hotel’s rating on a review site can lead to a 5-9% increase in revenue. A strong online reputation can also help hotels to rank higher in search engine results, which can drive more organic traffic to their website.

Brand Perception: A study by The Branding Journal found that online reputation can have a significant impact on brand perception. A strong online reputation can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers, which can lead to increased bookings and revenue.

Word of Mouth: A study by the Nielsen Company found that 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. Positive reviews on review sites and social media can help to generate word-of-mouth recommendations and drive bookings and revenue for hotels.

Repeat Business: A study by TripAdvisor found that hotels with higher ratings on their review sites are more likely to receive repeat business from guests.

Digital consultancy agencies specializing in ORM have a deep understanding of the latest best practices and strategies for managing and improving a hotel’s online reputation. They can provide insights and guidance on how to effectively address negative reviews and feedback, optimize a hotel’s online presence, and improve search engine rankings.

Personalized approach : A digital consultant agency can provide a customized and targeted approach to ORM that is tailored to the specific needs and goals of a hotel.

Review management tools : These tools can help hotels monitor and manage customer reviews and feedback from various review sites, social media platforms, and other sources. These tools may include features for responding to reviews, tracking review metrics, and identifying trends and patterns.

Customer data analysis tools : These tools can help hotels analyze customer data to identify patterns and trends, and provide insights and recommendations for improving their online reputation and business performance.

Pain points: If the hotel is facing challenges with their online reputation, such as a large number of
negative reviews, low website traffic, or low conversion rates.
Competitive pressure: If the hotel is aware that their competitors have a stronger online presence
and reputation, you are more motivated to improve your own online reputation in order to remain
Growth goals: If the hotel is looking to expand or increase revenue, you may see the value in
improving your online reputation in order to attract more guests and generate more bookings.
Limited in-house expertise: If the hotel does not have an experienced in-house team or resources to
effectively manage their online reputation, you may turn to an outside agency like Good Reputation
for help.

Monitor customer reviews and feedback from various review sites, social media platforms, and other
Identify trends and patterns in customer reviews and feedback, and use this information to make
improvements to your hotel.
Optimize your online presence for search engines, by analyzing website content, and building
Analyze customer data to identify patterns and trends, and use this information to make informed
decisions about your online reputation and business strategy.

We use advanced monitoring tools to track and monitor reviews across all major review websites, including TripAdvisor, and Google. We work with the hotel to mitigate the impact of negative reviews by providing strategies to encourage positive reviews, monitoring and tracking reviews, and implementing a plan to address negative reviews quickly and effectively. We also work with the hotel to ensure that its response to negative reviews is consistent across all review websites and provide regular reporting and analytics to measure the impact of negative reviews on the hotel’s reputation and bookings, and we use that data to make adjustments to the plan as needed.

We understand that each hotel has different goals, budgets and needs, that’s why we work with the hotel to create a custom plan that fits their specific requirements. We take into consideration the hotel’s budget, goals, and the size of the hotel, and adjust our approach accordingly. Also, we offer different packages with different levels of service and support to fit the hotel’s needs and budget.